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Stuttering John's One Line Interviews !!

Ringo Starr "What did you do with the money your mom gave you for singing lessons?"

ZZ Top, Question #1 "Since you look Jewish, why don't you call yourselves ZZ Dreidel?"

ZZ Top, Question #2 "In a pinch, would you wipe with your beard?"

Chevy Chase "Do you read the scripts of the movies you choose to make, or do you go, "Eenie mennie minie moe?""

Phil Donahue "Did you ever use your glasses to burn ants by pointing them at the sun?"

Bob Dylan "How does it feel to be on your own, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?"

Arsenio Hall "Are you mad at your dentist?"

Michael Jackson "Did you learn how to walk backwards to avoid your father's punches?"

Rush Limbaugh "Are you called Rush because you're in a rush to eat?"

Eddie Murphy "Now that you've conquered comedy, acting, and music, will you become a brain surgeon?"

Sly Stallone "Do you think that headband on your mother's head was placed there by space aliens?"

Bruce Willis "What is disappearing quicker, the ozone or your hair?"

Liz Taylor "Was selling perfume one of your career goals?"

Mr. Rogers "Would you like to machine-gun Barney?"

Jimmy Connors "Don't you think Steffi Graf has great legs and a collie's face?"

Mike Wallace "How can you be so old and still have pimples?"

Montel Williams "Didn't you steal my car?"

Michael J. Fox "Are you a member of the Lollipop Guild?"

Samuel L. Jackson "Do you think Spike Lee is an embarrasment to movie directors everywhere?"

Snoop Doggie Dog "You're a millionaire, what are you so angry about?"

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (question #1) "Who's the best white guy you ever played against?"

Karrem Abdul-Jabbar (question #2) "Why did you change your name form Lew Alcindor to something as stupid as Karrem Abdul-Jabbar?"

James Earl Jones (question #1) "Do people ever confuse you with James Earl Ray?"

James Earl Jones (question #2) "How much do you get paid to say "CNN"?"

Jimmy Connors (question #1) "Don't you think that Ivan Lendl looks like Igor from the other side of the net?"

Jimmy Connors (question #2) "When you get older, will you have someone help you over the net?"

Chevy Chase (question #1) "Are you still wearing your toupee?"

Chevy Chase (question #2) "How long do you think it will be before Dan Ackroyd explodes?"

Chevy Chase (question #3) "Were you high when you said you'd beat David Letterman?"

Chevy Chase (question #4) "Do you tell your kids that you're an accountant or do you tell them the ugly truth?"

Chevy Chase (question #5) "Does it bother you that not only did you fail, but that nobody knows or cares that you failed?"

Johnnie Cochran "Would you represent Hitler for the right price?"

Walter Cronkite (question #1) "Are you here at this event because you care about the rain forest or because your publicist thinks it's a good idea?"

Walter Cronkite (question #2) "What did William Daley do that was friggin' important?" (John meant to say Paley, not Daley; he of course was the founder of CBS)

Walter Cronkite (question #3) "Would you ever co-anchor with Howard Stern?"

Joey Adams (radio's "back-talk" comic and husband of Howard's enemy, Post columnist Cindy Adams) "When was the last time you saw Halley's Comet?"

David Dinkins "Do you sleep on a sponge since you sweat so much?"

Magic Johnson "Aren't you supposed to be dead by now?"

Claudia Schiffer Who's smarter, Christie Brinkley or Forrest Gump?

Phil Donahue (question #1) Do you pray Oprah will eat until she explodes?

Laurence Fishburne (question #1) Why does Spike Lee make such awful movies?

Stuttering John conducts interviews for the Howard Stern show.

Stuttering John

Stuttering John