Here are a few extracts from the Superior Person's Book of Weird & Wondrous Words, with a few suggestion on how they might
be used. Ailurophile: Someone who is abnormally fond of cats. Bezonian: A rascal or scoundrel. (Heavens,
I don't know what the school would do without you; you are a true bezonian.) Cambist: One who is skilled in the science
of financial exchange. Derodidymus: A two-headed monster. Enchiridon: Handbook. Forficula: Small
shears or scissors. Gerontocomium: An institution for the care of the aged. Hygeiolatry: Fanaticism about
health. Ingeminate: To repeat. Jaculiferous: Possessing spines like darts. Kakorrhaphiophobia:
Morbid fear of failure. Lumbricoid: Like an earthworm. Mendaciloquent: Speaking lies. Nucivorous:
Nut eating. Opsigamy: Marriage late in life. Pisiform: Pea shaped. Quidnunc: A gossipmonger.
Rhonchisonant: Snoring. Struthious: Like an ostrich. Torpillage: Electric shock therapy. Unasinous:
Being equally stupid. Verecund: Modest, shy. Wayzgoose: Printer's annual holiday. Xenium: A present
given to a guest. Yaul: To deviate. Zeitgeist: The intellectual, moral and cultural level of an era.
Written by Peter Bowler.
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